# vim: filetype=neomuttrc # muttrc file for account mail@oxapentane.com set realname = "0xA" set from = "mail@oxapentane.com" alternates "@oxapentane\.com$" set reverse_name set sendmail = "msmtp -a mail@oxapentane.com" alias me 0xA set folder = "~/mail/mail@oxapentane.com" set header_cache = ~/mail/mail@oxapentane.com/headers set message_cachedir = ~/mail/mail@oxapentane.com/bodies set mbox_type = Maildir bind index,pager gg noop bind index,pager g noop bind index,pager M noop bind index,pager C noop bind index gg first-entry unmailboxes * unalternates * unset signature unmacro index o macro index o "mbsync mail@oxapentane.com" "run mbsync to sync mail@oxapentane.com" mailboxes "=Archive" "=Drafts" "=flipper" "=funk24" "=hackint" "=hkinv" "=INBOX" "=juliaacademy" "=Junk" "=kickstarter" "=leanpub" "=meduza" "=mercht" "=misc" "=monster" "=nplus1" "=nytimes" "=online-go" "=openweathermap" "=ovdinfo" "=quantumcountry" "=rocky" "=rockylinux" "=Sent" "=sinkhole" "=teepublic" "=Templates" "=threadless" "=Trash" "=vodafone" "=vultr" "=xakep" "=zotero-sync" macro index,pager gj "=Junk" "go to junk" macro index,pager Mj ";=Junk" "move mail to junk" macro index,pager Cj ";=Junk" "copy mail to junk" macro index,pager gi "=INBOX" "go to inbox" macro index,pager Mi ";=INBOX" "move mail to inbox" macro index,pager Ci ";=INBOX" "copy mail to inbox" set spoolfile = "+INBOX" macro index,pager ga "=Archive" "go to archive" macro index,pager Ma ";=Archive" "move mail to archive" macro index,pager Ca ";=Archive" "copy mail to archive" set postponed = "+Drafts" macro index,pager gd "=Drafts" "go to drafts" macro index,pager Md ";=Drafts" "move mail to drafts" macro index,pager Cd ";=Drafts" "copy mail to drafts" set record = "+Sent" macro index,pager gS "=Sent" "go to sent" macro index,pager MS ";=Sent" "move mail to sent" macro index,pager CS ";=Sent" "copy mail to sent" macro index,pager gs "=sinkhole" "go to sinkhole" macro index,pager Ms ";=sinkhole" "move mail to sinkhole" macro index,pager Cs ";=sinkhole" "copy mail to sinkhole" macro index,pager gt "=Trash" "go to trash" macro index,pager Mt ";=Trash" "move mail to trash" macro index,pager Ct ";=Trash" "copy mail to trash" set trash = "+Trash"